2000: The Klingle Road Project
Reopening Klingle Road will improve
traffic operations and reduce traffic delays, according to DPW's study of
the road released in November 2000.
More importantly, the study found
that safety will increase, especially at busy intersections such as
Connecticut Avenue and Porter Street; the number of accidents will be
reduced due to lower traffic volumes at these intersections. This is
one of the most important reasons to reopen Klingle Road.
Without Klingle Road: As a part of this
study, an analysis was conducted to determine various improvements
required at this intersection [Connecticut Avenue and Porter Street] for
the design year under the no build scenario to achieve an acceptable level
of traffic operation. Results of these analyses indicate that the
eastbound approach of Porter Street needs to be widened to accommodate an
additional two through lanes, while an additional through lane is needed
in the westbound direction as well. Even if these improvements are
implemented at this intersection, traffic congestion is expected to shift
to other area intersections along Porter Street.