Trips on Klingle Road Offer Taste of Green
By Miriam H.
Cleveland Park
26, 2003 - Copyright 2003 NW Current
For many years, before Klingle Road
was washed out and closed, I found it being used when I would come
home from east of Rock Creek Park, where I often went to reach
Georgia and New Hampshire avenues and Silver Spring. It was
both an alternative to the boring trip straight up Porter Street to
the heart of Cleveland Park where I live, and a refreshing taste of
green, shady roadway on summer days.
Thus, although I am a member of the
Sierra Club, whose local chapter wants to turn the road into a green
and shady path for bikers and hiders and dog walkers, I feel it
should be rebuilt for regular vehicular traffic so it can still
serve drivers needing a convenient route across that part of the
For people like me, not able to hike or bike, and having no dog, it
could still provide a glimpse of nature and a route preferable to
the congestion of Porter Street and Connecticut Avenue. And
where Klingle joins Woodley Road, one goes on to Mount St. Albann,
where the Cathedral soars.
Not enough money to rebuild this lovely and useful road? What
are property taxes for? |