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Sprawl & Crawl - Klingle Road:  Yea or nay?
Steve Eldridge

Published: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:10 PM EDT

Nothing like talking about tiny Klingle Road to get the debates started. Here are just a few examples received from both sides:

Paul writes from a nearby neighborhood: "Yes!! Please open Klingle Road. Isn't it about time? Thank you for a wonderful article on Klingle Road. I'd like to see it repaired and reopened and so do my neighbors in Shepherd Park. But a lot of people don't know the issue. You know, there was a fire truck accident not long ago on Military Road. There aren't too many ways to go east and west, so keeping Klingle open is important for safety, etc."

But S.J. writes: "Klingle is a narrow, unlighted road. The fire department has never used it and has no intention of doing so now. You can check this out. Just imagine a ladder truck trying to navigate through there. We don't need any more automobile exhaust fumes and runoff than we have now on precious little park area. There are all too few places for a peaceful walk or a bicycle ride in the city. The parkland is open to all. They have to repair the Connecticut Avenue bridge over Klingle first - it's falling apart."

Actually, I understand the District's Department of Fire and EMS has testified in favor of reopening Klingle. There have been several cases where rescue hasn't been able to get to people because of the closure and there have been some tragic results. Keep in mind that Rock Creek doesn't have a grid of roads that can serve as alternatives, especially during the hours of one-way operations. Taking even a small road like Klingle out of the mix creates serious problems.


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